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Another cool thing about TypeScript is the use of default parameters right in the function parameters. Take a look below and see how easy it is. I added them to the addPerson Method/Function but you can also added it to your class constructor. You can see default parameters in the constructor in my other TypeScript […]

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Update: New and better Boilerplate that uses ES6 Modules in TypeScript check it out. More and more I play around with TypeScript I think it is the best way to do JavaScript development for large and small projects. One thing I’ve noticed is some people are not aware of how easy it is to compile […]

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What are …rest parameters? …rest parameters are an identifier that represents the name of the array of arguments passed in to the function. The parameter does not need to be called rest; it can have any name that is not a keyword. You can specify the data type of the … (rest) parameter as any[] […]

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Update: New and better Boilerplate that uses ES6 Modules in TypeScript check it out. I am going to talk about JavaScript Namespacing with TypeScript’s Internal Modules and show an example how you can use namespacing with your TypeScript applications. If you are new to TypeScript check out my OOP TypeScript Tutorial. First off JavaScript namespacing […]

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In this TypeScript tutorial I will show you how to create a Ambient Declarations file for a popular JavaScript library. There is a few ways to create ambient declarations. Two that I know of are a Ambient Interface Declaration and a Ambient Class Declaration. Ambient Interface Declaration I just created one for GreenSock’s TweenMax, TweenLite, […]

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I love GreenSock’s tweening library for ActionScript and when I found out he converted it to JavaScript I was super pumped. I’ve been playing around with TypeScript and I created a TypeScript Ambient Declarations Class for the GreenSock JavaScript library. Now I can start using TweenMax, TweenLite, TimelineLite, TimelineMax and not get any compiling errors. […]

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Update: New and better Boilerplate that uses ES6 Modules in TypeScript check it out. How to make a HTML5 Canvas Banner Ad I got a new project where a client wanted an HTML5 Banner Ad that needed to be under 100k and must be done with HTML5 Canvas. Below is not the banner ad I […]

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UPDATE Looks like PhpStorm and WebStorm 6.0 will have TypeScript support in it. PhpStorm & WebStorm 6.0 Early Access Program I have to say I love PhpStorm as a IDE. The code intelligence is awesome but it currently does not support TypeScript. The best I can do is get PhpStorm to recognize *.tc file extension […]

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Update: New and better Boilerplate that uses ES6 Modules in TypeScript check it out. I was excited when I heard about TypeScript because I love typed variables, interfaces, calling super in your methods and extending classes without all the mess of JavaScript’s native prototype. I know there is a lot of haters already of TypeScript […]

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Update: New and better Boilerplate that uses ES6 Modules in TypeScript check it out. Here is a short tutorial on how I got TypeScript running on my Mac. First thing is to install nodejs. Also get the TypeScript code if you haven’t got it already at Go through the installment for nodejs. Next we […]

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At first I couldn’t think of how to apply smoothing to OSMF’s MediaElement when using the MediaFactory. One day later it hit me and I wanted to share. First thing you need to do is the check if the MediaElement is a VideoElement. Once we know it is a VideoElement we can let the compiler […]

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Just a quick note to myself. When adding the OSMF.swc to a project delete the OSMF.swc from the Flex SDK (using SDK 4.1) If adding the classes inside the project instead of using the swc you need to set Additional compiler arguemnts: -locale en_US -define CONFIG::FLASH_10_1 true -define CONFIG::LOGGING false -define CONFIG::DEBUG false

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I’ve been searching for hours trying to figure out how to install Adobe Air applications on Android Emulator. I found a good simple article and would like to share. Check it out: Insall AIR on Android Emulator

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This is a basic semantic structure of HTML5. HTML5 HTML5 CSS

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You can set selectedIndex to 0 and it will just reset the combo box to the first selectable item in the list… However if you define the prompt property, then setting selectedIndex to zero won’t get you what you want. instead do this and it will be just like when you first started:

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Here is a code snippet to show you how to get Standard Time and Military Time in ActionScript 3.

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AS3 Random Boolean

October 24, 20102 Comments

Recently I built any application that needed a random Boolean. I used Math.random() which will give you a decimal number between 0 and 1. I then wrapped that with Math.round(), if the number is greater than .5 then the number will be 1 and everything else will be 0. In ActionScript 3 and probably previous […]

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Here is a little Flash code snippet to convert the seconds from your audio or video time display project into hours, minutes and remaining seconds (HH:MM:SS). The code is for ActionScript 3.0 but to make it combatable with ActionScript 2.0. Just change the uint data type to Number and it will work fine.

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Recently I’ve been working on building a AS3 streaming video player and ran into an error with onBWDone and wanted to share my findings. I am streaming (RTMP) my video files from Amazon CloudFront which uses Adobe’s Flash Media Server to power its streaming distributions. You may have seen this error before: I will describe […]

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I sure this is nothing special but I thought I would share. I’ve been play around with jQuery and wanted to build an easy way to open a new browser window with a certain size for multiple links. Below is what I came up with. Click on the links below to see a simple demo. […]

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I am writing this short article for two reasons. 1) To see how many other people out there would like to see ColdFusion 9 as a grid container at MediaTemple. 2) Hopefully this article will push MediaTemple to create a CF9 grid container. Yes I know, maybe I will be the only one to read […]

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I was very interested to find out that Adobe ColdFusion 9 would allow developers to program everything (I think everything) using CFScript instead of the ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) which is tag-based and looks very similar to HTML or XML. Being an ActionScript developer I thought it would be awesome if I could use my […]

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