0.15.2A class based utility library for building modular and scalable web platform applications. Features opt-in classes and utilities which provide a solid foundation and toolset to build your next project.
/** * The NumberUtil class has many helper methods to work with number data. * * @class NumberUtil * @module StructureJS * @submodule util * @author Robert S. ( * @static */ class NumberUtil { constructor() { throw new Error('[NumberUtil] Do not instantiate the NumberUtil class because it is a static class.'); } /** * Converts bytes into megabytes. * * @method bytesToMegabytes * @param bytes {number} * @returns {number} * @public * @static * @example * */ public static bytesToMegabytes(bytes:number):number { return bytes / 1048576; } /** * Converts centimeters into inches. * * @method centimeterToInch * @param cm {number} * @public * @static * @returns {number} * @example * NumberUtil.centimeterToInch(1); * // 0.3937 */ public static centimeterToInch(cm:number):number { return cm * 0.39370; } /** * Converts inches into centimeters. * * @method inchToCentimeter * @param inch {number} * @public * @static * @returns {number} * @example * NumberUtil.inchToCentimeter(1); * // 2.54 */ public static inchToCentimeter(inch:number):number { return inch * 2.54; } /** * Converts feet into meters. * * @method feetToMeter * @param feet {number} * @public * @static * @returns {number} * @example * NumberUtil.feetToMeter(1); * // 0.3048 * */ public static feetToMeter(feet:number):number { return feet / 3.2808; } /** * Converts seconds into hour, minutes, seconds. * * @method convertToHHMMSS * @param seconds {number} * @param showHours [boolean=true] By default if the time does not pass one hour it will show 00:05:34. Pass false to display the time as 05:34 until it gets pass one hour and then it will show 01:00:00 * @returns {string} * @public * @static * @example * NumberUtil.convertToHHMMSS(33333); * // '09:15:33' */ public static convertToHHMMSS(seconds:number, showHours:boolean = true):string { const sec:number = isNaN(seconds) ? 0 : seconds;//Changes NaN to 0 const s:number = sec % 60; const m:number = Math.floor((sec % 3600 ) / 60); const h:number = Math.floor(sec / (60 * 60)); let hourStr:string; if (showHours === false) { hourStr = (h == 0) ? '' : NumberUtil.doubleDigitFormat(h) + ':'; } else { hourStr = NumberUtil.doubleDigitFormat(h) + ':'; } const minuteStr:string = NumberUtil.doubleDigitFormat(m) + ':'; const secondsStr:string = NumberUtil.doubleDigitFormat(s); return hourStr + minuteStr + secondsStr; } /** * Formats a number from 0-9 to display with 2 digits. * * @method doubleDigitFormat * @param num {number} * @returns {string} * @public * @static * @example * NumberUtil.doubleDigitFormat(0); * // '00' * * NumberUtil.doubleDigitFormat(5); * // '05' * * NumberUtil.doubleDigitFormat(9); * // '09' */ public static doubleDigitFormat(num:number):string { if (num < 10) { return ('0' + num); } return String(num); } /** * Formats a currency string as a number. * * @method unformatUnit * @param value {string} The string currency that you want converted into a number. * @returns {number} Returns the number value of the currency string. * @public * @static * @example * NumberUtil.unformatUnit('$1,234,567.89'); * // 1234567.89 * * NumberUtil.unformatUnit('1.234.567,89 €'); * // 1234567.89 * * NumberUtil.unformatUnit('$-123,456,789.99'); * // -123456789.99 */ public static unformatUnit(value:string):number { // Removes all characters and spaces except the period (.), comma (,) and the negative symbol (-). let withoutSpecialCharacters:string = value.replace(/[^\d.,-]/g, ''); // Gets the index where the decimal placement is located. let decimalIndex:number = withoutSpecialCharacters.length - 3; const decimalSeparator:string = withoutSpecialCharacters.charAt(decimalIndex); if (decimalSeparator === '.') { // Removes all comma (,) characters and leaves the period (.) and the negative symbol (-). withoutSpecialCharacters = value.replace(/[^\d.-]/g, ''); } else { // Removes all period (.) characters and leaves the comma (,) and the negative symbol (-). withoutSpecialCharacters = value.replace(/[^\d,-]/g, ''); decimalIndex = withoutSpecialCharacters.length - 3; //Replaces the comma (,) to a period (.). withoutSpecialCharacters = withoutSpecialCharacters.replace(',', '.'); } return parseFloat(withoutSpecialCharacters); } /** * Formats a number as a currency string. * * @method formatUnit * @param value {number} The number value you want formatted. * @param [decimalPlacement=2] {number} How many decimal placements you want to show. * @param [decimalSeparator='.'] {string} The character you want to use as the thousands separator. * @param [thousandsSeparator=','] {string} The character you want to use as the thousands separator. * @param [currencySymbol=''] {string} The symbol you would like to add. * @param [currencySymbolPlacement=0] {number} The placement of the symbol. Use 0 to place in front or 1 to place at the end. * @returns {string} Returns the formatted currency. * @public * @static * @example * NumberUtil.formatUnit(1234567.89, 2, ".", ",", "$", 0); * // '$1,234,567.89' * * NumberUtil.formatUnit(12341234.56, 2, "*", ",", " €", 1); * // '12,341,234*56 €' * * NumberUtil.formatUnit(-1900.24, 1); * // '-1,900.2' */ public static formatUnit(value:number, decimalPlacement:number = 2, decimalSeparator:string = '.', thousandsSeparator:string = ',', currencySymbol:string = '', currencySymbolPlacement:number = 0):string { let str:string = String(Number(value).toFixed(decimalPlacement)); let result:string = ''; if (decimalPlacement != 0) { result = str.slice(-1 - decimalPlacement); result = result.replace('.', decimalSeparator); str = str.slice(0, str.length - 1 - decimalPlacement); } while (str.length > 3) { result = thousandsSeparator + str.slice(-3) + result; str = str.slice(0, str.length - 3); } if (str.length > 0) { if (currencySymbolPlacement === 0) { result = currencySymbol + str + result; } else if (currencySymbolPlacement === 1) { result = str + result + currencySymbol; } else { result = str + result; } } return result; } /** * Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. * * @method fahrenheitToCelsius * @param fahrenheit {number} The fahrenheit value. * @param decimals {number} The number of decimals. * @return {number} * @example * MathUtil.fahrenheitToCelsius(32); * // 0 * * MathUtil.fahrenheitToCelsius(212); * // 100 */ public static fahrenheitToCelsius(fahrenheit:number, decimals:number = 2):number { let d:string = ''; let r:number = (5 / 9) * (fahrenheit - 32); let s:Array<string> = r.toString().split('.'); if (s[1] != undefined) { d = s[1].substr(0, decimals); } else { let i:number = decimals; while (i > 0) { d += '0'; i--; } } let c:string = s[0] + '.' + d; return Number(c); } /** * Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit. * * @method celsiusToFahrenheit * @param celsius {number} The celsius value. * @param decimals {number} The number of decimals. * @return {number} * @example * MathUtil.celsiusToFahrenheit(0); * // 32 * * MathUtil.celsiusToFahrenheit(100); * // 212 */ public static celsiusToFahrenheit(celsius:number, decimals:number = 2):number { let d:string = ''; let r:number = (celsius / (5 / 9)) + 32; let s:Array<string> = r.toString().split('.'); if (s[1] != undefined) { d = s[1].substr(0, decimals); } else { let i:number = decimals; while (i > 0) { d += '0'; i--; } } let f:string = s[0] + '.' + d; return Number(f); } } export default NumberUtil;