Localized Event Dispatching with EventDispatcher

EventDispatcher is a publish and subscribe class that your classes can extend to dispatch and receive events. This class is different than the EventBroker class because you are adding event listeners directly on the classes you create and the listener does know who is dispatching the event.

EventDispatcher supports event bubbling and event delegation within a class structure. I will talk more about this when I post about the DOMElement class.

How to extend EventDispatcher and dispatch an event:
// Imports
var EventDispatcher = require('structurejs/event/EventDispatcher');

function ClassName() {

ClassName.prototype = new EventDispatcher();
ClassName.prototype.constructor = ClassName;

ClassName.prototype.init = function() {
    this.dispatchEvent('test'); // Example of dispatching an event.
    this.dispatchEvent('test', {some: 'data'}); // Example of dispatching an event with data.
Adding event listeners:
// Creating a class and adding an event listener to it:
this._className = new ClassName();
this._className.addEventListener('test', this.handlerMethod, this);
this._className.init(); // We dispatch an event.

// The event passed to the method will always be a BaseEvent object.
AnotherClass.prototype.handlerMethod = function (baseEvent) {
    console.log(baseEvent.target + ' sent the event.');
    console.log(baseEvent.type, baseEvent.data);
Remove event listeners:
this._className.removeEventListener('test', this.handlerMethod, this);
Has event listeners:
this._className.hasEventListener('change', this.handlerMethod, this);
// Returns true or false
Get a list of added listeners:
 // [ClassName] is listen for 'BaseEvent.change' event.
Dispatching an event with event bubbling:

Event bubbling works with the DOMElement class which I will talk about later. For now want to show how you would set it up. You will need to create a BaseEvent object and then dispatch it. // BaseEvent( type, [bubbles=false], [cancelable=false], [data=null] ) var event = new BaseEvent('change', true, true, {some: 'data'}); this.dispatchEvent(event);

Here is another example of how to extend the class and How I Write JavaScript Classes:

// Imports
var Extend = require('structurejs/util/Extend');
var EventDispatcher = require('structurejs/event/EventDispatcher');

var ClassName = (function () {

    var _super = Extend(ClassName, EventDispatcher);

    function ClassName() {

    ClassName.prototype.init = function() {

    return ClassName;
EventBus Pattern

You can create an EventDispatcher object and pass it around to other classes.

 var eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
 eventDispatcher.addEventListener('change', this.handlerMethod, this);

Checkout the full docs for EventDispatcher.

The EventDispatcher class is a module of a JavaScript/TypeScript library called StructureJS. Take a look at it here: StructureJS.

Add EventDispatcher to Your Project

If you are using the Client-Side Boilerplate all you have to do is:

bower install structurejs

Add the path to the config.js file:

    paths: {
        structurejs: '../vendor/structurejs/src',
    shim: {...}

Import the EventDispatcher class into the class you want to use it in:

var EventDispatcher = require('structurejs/event/EventDispatcher');