How To Structure Your Classes

Here is the recommended way to create JavaScript classes and how to use the Extend class to inherit other classes.

The following is a condensed example of the current format I use to structure my classes in JavaScript.

var BaseView = (function () {

    function BaseView() {

    BaseView.prototype.create = function () {

    BaseView.prototype.layout = function () {

    return BaseView;


Below is an example of how to use theextend the class above.

var AnotherView = (function () {

    var _super = Extend(AnotherView, BaseView);

    function AnotherView() {;

    AnotherView.prototype.create = function () {;

    AnotherView.prototype.layout = function () {

    return AnotherView;

The format is constant with the the BaseView above but now we have this _super thing in our class. What _super allows you to do is call the functions/methods on the class you extended.

If you look at Extend in var _super = Extend(AnotherView, BaseView); it is a helper function that allows you to extend other classes easily. It will take the first class (AnotherView) and extend it with the second class (BaseView).